End Your Search for Low-Noise Drainage Pipes with Wavin

Low-noise drainage pipes are designed to reduce the amount of noise generated when wastewater and sewage flow through pipes in a building. These pipes typically have a special design that helps to reduce the turbulence of the water flow and the impact of the water on the inside of the pipe, which in turn reduces the amount of noise that is generated.

Some common techniques to reduce noise in drainage pipes include using larger diameter pipes, pipes with a smooth inner surface, and pipes with sound-absorbing materials or coatings. Additionally, the use of special fittings, such as bends and tees, can also help to reduce the noise generated by water flow.

Low noise drainage pipes are commonly used in residential and commercial buildings, particularly in areas where noise pollution is a concern or where building codes require specific noise reduction measures to be taken. These pipes can also help to improve the overall comfort and livability of a building by reducing the amount of noise generated by wastewater and sewage flows.

In addition to their noise-reducing properties, low-noise drainage pipes also offer other benefits. They are often more durable and long-lasting than traditional pipes, and they are less likely to clog or become damaged. They also require less maintenance and are easier to clean, which can help to reduce the overall cost of maintaining a plumbing system.

Wavin is one of the global brands to manufacture high-grade low noise drainage pipes. They have launched Wavin AS+ and SiTech+ to combat these issues in every required space. Wavin achieves this through adjusted wall thickness and density of the pipes. Wavin AS is one of the most successful low-noise drainage pipes. Wavin SiTech+ on the other hand is also in demand due to its noise reduction feature and heavy fitting. Easy installation is one of the prominent features of this range of pipes as ribbed fittings enhance grip in a complex situations. 


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